2019/20 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

FOAR2000 Research Placement

20 Credits Class Size: 45

Module manager: Dr Sam Gartland
Email: s.gartland@leeds.ac.uk

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2019/20

Pre-requisite qualifications

Successful completion of first year in an arts, humanities or social science degree programme.

This module is approved as a discovery module

Module summary

This module provides you with the opportunity to get involved in the latest research in the Faculty of Arts. By working closely with an academic member of staff and a group of fellow students in a project directly related to ongoing research in the faculty, you’ll have the chance to undertake research tasks negotiated with your project leader in a structured format and learn how research works as well as creating new knowledge. Throughout the course you will be supported by a range of training workshops to develop your research, analytical, and presentation skills, alongside ongoing reflective writing. The module is assessed entirely by coursework and a mixture of individual and group assessment. It culminates in a presentation of your work at an undergraduate research conference held at the end of semester 2. After enrolling on this module online, students will be asked to apply for the project they want to work on. Applicants will be selected on the basis of academic performance and aptitude so far in their degree <a href="https://arts.leeds.ac.uk/ugresearch/facultyugresearch/foar2000/">Projects for the following year can be found here</a>


On completion of the module students should have:

1. Gained an understanding of the intellectual and methodological basis of a particular research project, as practised by researchers within the Faculty of Arts;
2. Undertaken a substantive piece of research resulting in a suitable research output;
3. Reflected on the experience of undertaking research;
4. Experienced working collaboratively in teams to complete a project;
5. An awareness of the contribution the module makes to their employability through the skills and attributes they have developed within the context of Leeds for Life and their own personal / career development

Learning outcomes

Through this module students will develop their understanding of the methods and approaches involved in research in a particular field or discipline related to their degree programme. Alongside this, the module will facilitate the development of important skills for their degree scheme and their future, including communication, analysis, and team work. Additionally, students will develop their expertise in particular areas.

Skills outcomes

1. The ability to conduct a literature search on a set topic
2. Gained experience of undertaking research
3. Developed skills associated with the conduct of a research project and the presentation of research results to an appropriate audience


The course will be a mixture of workshops focused on relevant skills training and the practice of research, and working closely with your research group and your project leader.

Alongside a core programme of sessions designed to ensure you acquire the skills to help you succeed in the module, you’ll also develop your own training plan tailored to your needs and the project you are working on.

Teaching Methods

Delivery type Number Length hours Student hours
Workshop 10 2 20
Poster session 1 5 5
Group Project 3 2 6
Meetings 2 0.3 0.5
Meetings 18 1 18
Independent online learning hours 30
Private study hours 120.5
Total Contact hours 49.5
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits) 200

Private study

Private study:
The bulk of the private study time will be dedicated to working on research tasks. The remaining private study time will comprise of preparation for assessment.

Independent online learning:
Time spent on their reflective log; online resources relating to training and skills development.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Formal student progress will be monitored via the reflective log that will be assessed at the end of each semester. Informally, progress will also be monitored through contributions in workshops and their online journal.

Methods of Assessment

Assessment type Notes % of formal assessment
Poster Presentation Assessed as a group, including verbal presentation as part of the research conference 30
Reflective log Assessed in two parts at the end of semester 1 and 2 30
Research Proposal Assessed as a group (exact output decided in consultation with academic project leader, eg. an exhibition, webpage, digital repository, analysis of research data), due by 12.00pm on Monday of revision week, semester 2 40
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework) 100

Normally resits will be assessed by the same methodology as the first attempt, unless otherwise stated

Reading List

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 9/25/2019

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